Friday, April 13, 2012

AmeriCorps Earth Day Work Party

Join the AmeriCorps team from Ossining Open Door as they help prepare our garden for the 2012 gardening season.

Time: 1:00 – 3:00pm
Location: Ossining Organic Community Garden

Wear sturdy clothes & gardening gloves.  Bring shovels or gardening tools if you have them.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Gardening Class

Westchester Community Gardening Workshop - Part 2
Co-facilitated by Master Gardeners Pamela Davis and Donna Sharrett

When: Monday, April 30th at 5pm-6:30pm
Where: Cornell Cooperative Extension/Westchester,
            26 Legion Drive Valhalla 10595
Cost: $10

· Successful community gardening - problem solving
· Environmentally friendly pest & disease control
· Harvesting
· hands on demonstration of soil pH testing 
(bring your garden soil sample to be tested· Soil pH test kits will be available for purchase for $15 each (cash or check) 

For more information or to register contact:
JoAnn DiRico Trautmann:  
For driving directions:

Monday, March 5, 2012

Companion Planting

Great link sent from the Green Community Garden of Hope/Ossining:
(With links for companion planting to ATTRACT beneficial insects & companion planting to REPEL pests.)
Info about GCGH:

Cornell Vegetable Growing Guides
Keep in mind that only organic practices are allowed in our garden. Do not use any non-organic recommendations, if given.